This is the beginning. The beginning of my life as a blogger – or better yet: a music blogger. I have taught and played music for many years, and I have so much to say. Today is the day where I start sharing. With you. With everyone who is interested. In listening to music, playing music, reading about music, hearing about music and to the ones who teach music.

Music is all around us. Just think about it. How many times a day do you use music in one way or the other? When you wake up in the morning and turn on the radio or put on your favorite playlist. When you drive to work or school. When you watch a movie or tv show. Or when you go to the store or to the mall.
There is music everywhere, and music is the one thing that can affect our state of mind most rapidly. It can help us in sadness or loneliness. It can create happiness where there is none, and it can help us process big emotions and get through hard times with a little more ease. I know that my opinion is a little colored due to the fact that I am a musician. But the truth of the matter is that the one thing more amazing than listening to music is playing music. Playing an instrument and working with music truly does affect our neurological pathways. The benefits are endless and all it requires is a little time and effort.
But where do you start? How? Do you need your own instrument? How do you find a teacher? Using this blog I will try to help answer all of those questions and then some!
Welcome – and lets get started!
Love, live, play!