The cello has 4 strings. They are tuned as follows: A, D, G and C. To tune the cello, you can use the fine tuners that are placed on the tail piece. Sit with the cello placed between the knees as described in ”Seating position”, and use your right hand to turn the tuners. If you ”push” with your thumb, the tone will become higher. If you “pull” with the thumb, the tone gets lower. Use a tuner to tune your instrument. It will show you, if your pitch is too high, too low or just right. I recommend you to set your tuner to 442hz. Advanced students will learn how to tune the cello by using harmonics, or just by playing the strings together two and two (this interval is called a quint). If the cello is very out of tune, it can be necessary to use the tuning pegs. It can be very challenging to use the pegs, and you would often need your teacher or a parent to help you.